Monday, September 22, 2008

Meet Sarah Nelson

Sarah Nelson
Title: Admissions Counselor
# of years at UNC: 1
Hometown: Harrisburg, PA
Area of specialty in office: working with transfer students

My favorite part of my job is talking with visiting families and students and sharing my love for Carolina.

If I weren’t an admissions director, I would be a writer for a travel magazine.

My favorite thing about Carolina is the amazingly talented and diverse student body.

If I could be an undergraduate all over again, studying at Carolina, I would major in public policy. I find some much of my work in education tied to national and state policy and would really love to have a better understanding of this area.

The best question I’ve ever gotten at a college fair was tell me five words to describe Carolina. I wish I could remember which words I used…it was a great question!

My best memory from my undergraduate experience is the out-of-class internships and volunteer experiences I had as a public relations major.