Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday On The Road: "I love this school!"

I have two lifelong travel goals. One is to visit all 50 of our country's states. The other is to visit all 100 of North Carolina's counties. I'm really close to attaining the latter (I have 17 left). The weather was perfect for driving today. Check out the pictures below. In the second you will see the typical caravan of admissions representatives driving from one fair to the next.

Today was a good day to be on the road. It also was a good day to be a Tar Heel. The definite theme of the day was, "I love this school." More students than normal started their conversations with these words. My simple response to them was, "What about UNC-Chapel Hill do you love the most?" I expected to get "basketball" in response. That's the obvious answer. But I underestimated their passion for the University.

The science programs are really good.
A lot of smart people go to school there.

I've visited campus and it's so nice.
My friend is an English major there and she tells me about everything.

It's always been my dream to go to Carolina.

The students I spoke with today had a love for the University that runs deep. In part, I think their love is due to the excellence of the academic experience and the beauty of the historic campus, but there's something more. Many North Carolinians feel a connection to UNC-Chapel Hill, because of the sense of community it resonates. I'm glad our prospective students intuitively understand that special aspect about Carolina.

And I was asked a lot of thoughtful questions today too. Like I said, it was a good day. I savored it, because the meteorologists say we're in for rain tomorrow (and I left my umbrella at home).

I'd love to hear more about what you all love the most about UNC-Chapel Hill. Feel free to post your comments.

Next Up: Traveling with "Rivals"