Friday, September 19, 2008

Meet Andrea Felder

Andrea Felder
Title: Associate Director
NC territory: I no longer have a North Carolina territory. But, I travel here and there around the state for my colleagues, so you may see me at a fair this fall.
Out-of-State territory: I have the pleasure of recruiting internationally. So, my out of state territory is the rest of the world.
# of years at UNC: 4 years as an undergraduate and 8 years in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Hometown: Mitchellville, MD
Area of specialty in office: In addition to working with international students, I also work with the staff that takes phone calls and processes applications.

My favorite part of my job is meeting new students and answering their questions. I also really enjoy getting to know students through their applications.

If I weren’t an admissions director, I would be a college counselor at an international school. Or I would travel around the world and learn about local cultures.

My favorite thing about Carolina is the sense of community found on this campus. You can definitely find your niche here. I also like spring days in Chapel Hill.

The longest airline journey I’ve ever experienced was my trip from Singapore back to the RDU airport. I was in the air for about 21 hours. Add to that a few hours for layovers in Japan and Washington, D.C.

If I could be an undergraduate all over again, studying at Carolina, I would major in international studies again. I thoroughly enjoyed that major.

My best memory from my undergraduate experience is a surprise birthday party that my friends threw for me. Although I almost unknowingly thwarted their plans, they pulled off the surprise flawlessly.