Thursday, September 18, 2008

Meet Bob Patterson

Bob Patterson
Title: Associate Director of Admissions
NC territory: Orange, Durham, Caswell, Franklin, Granville, Person, Rockingham, Vance, Warren
# of years at UNC: Going on 4 years
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Area of specialty in office: Recruitment

My favorite part of my job is working with students to pursue the dream of going to college.

If I weren’t an admissions director, I would be a high school guidance counselor.

My favorite thing about Carolina is the community of students and the pride they exhibit every day. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t see at least 50 students wearing a Carolina shirt.

The longest airline journey I’ve ever experienced was a flight from Charlotte, NC to Munich, Germany with my father. We cruised around the Mediterranean visiting 6 different countries including Egypt and Greece.

If I could be an undergraduate all over again, studying at Carolina, I would major in everything. There are so many great opportunities available to Carolina students that were never available to me.

My best memory from my undergraduate experience is giving a tour to a student who decided to enroll on the spot.

Bob declined to submit a photograph. So I drew a picture of him. He looks just like that, promise!